Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bartenders flair. Flair basics.

There is one subject I have always wanted to discuss about. It is a thing of a great importance in my views. Overflairing is one thing that bothers me. There must be some common sense in performing a Cocktail creation in working flair. One must know that there are other ways to make an impression on a guest, and surely working flair that contains a one or at most two series of fast, interesting tricks, spins or stalls is a great thing to do. Even so in an empty bar.

You sure don't want to overflair in that manner to give an impression that you are super selfie and careless what people at the bar think about that or perhaps, what they might need at the moment.
Barman should not forget that a smile, talk, ease, a great sense ruling the space and controlling the vibe in the bar makes a great start for quick working flair when creating.

I would say, those two fellow bartenders got it all explained in this great video. Cool video.

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